Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Journey

My brother writes stories with his blog.  I am not any good at writing fiction, but I'm going to give it a go anyway. Speaking of stories, here are some very strange bed-time stories: Gordon Dioxide.

Also, here is a photo of a spider web:

The Journey

Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted to be a writer.  She had drive.  She had ambition.  She had a large vocabulary.  She had everything but a story.
The girl searched for ideas in her home. 'Who would ever want a story about my parents or my cat?' she wondered.  But it was winter vacation, so she invented a story in which her cat, Peanut, could speak and wield a fencing foil and went on all sorts of adventures.
When she went back to school, she shared the story with her creative writing teacher.  "This is too fanciful," her teacher said.  "Try to write about something you know."
So the girl wrote a story about the romance unfolding between her third-best friend and the young, attractive Spanish teacher.  She showed this story to her creative writing teacher, anxious for approval. 
"Oh my," said the creative writing teacher, "this is not a story. This needs to be brought to the attention of the principal."
The girl's third-best friend became her first-best enemy as the Spanish teacher was fired and she was sent to counseling.  The girl decided she would no longer share her stories with her creative writing teacher.  She wrote all of this into a story and showed her older Brother.  "This is boring," he said.  "It needs more violence.  Or video games."
The girl followed her Brother's advice and wrote a dark story about a vampire who played video games during the day and prowled upon creative writing teachers at night.  She showed this story to her Brother, but he was too busy playing video games to read it.  "Give it to Mom and Dad!" he shouted over the cacophony of laser guns and explosives.
She didn't make it to her Mother and Father, however, because she first ran into her Uncle, who came over often to use her family's high-speed internet and eat their food.  Her Uncle looked over the story and said, "Well, it's alright if you like this kinda thing, I guess.  But don't you want a story that more people can relate to?" She gave a reluctant nod and trudged up the stairs.
The girl locked herself up in her room and decided that she wasn't coming out until she had the perfect story.  She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't get fresh air, and her only company was her iPod, which sometimes played on when she fell asleep.

The girl spent one whole day this way.

Then, finally, she had it: her masterpiece.  It was inspiring.  It was accessible...  "It champions the American Dream while acknowledging everyone's need to feel wanted," the girl explained to her Uncle.

"These are the lyrics to 'Don't Stop Believin'."


And we have done very bad Like others who do not know what to buy?

currently listening to: David Bowie live at Nassau Coliseum, 1976

"the return of the thin white duke"

How? An amazing online concert vault. Do it.

I've had the "To be or not to be" monologue going through my head with strange frequency the past few days.  Perhaps some if it is due to seeing my first live performance of Hamlet the other week.  I've read through it and the conclusions of my ruminations are these:

1. I used to ignore this speech since it is overused and over-quoted.  But it is good.
2. Poor Hamlet, besieged by life and intimidated by death, now lives and dies constantly.

Telephone for Grown-Ups

I know the following is probably a bit heretical, but my brother introduced me to a new game and I can't think of another text I'd like to use right now.  Start with some words that make sense,  run them through a couple languages in google translator, then back to English and see what you get (in this case: Shakespeare-> Yiddish -> Basque -> Icelandic -> Ukrainian -> Spanish -> English)

It didn't turn out as fun as my brother's example, which you can read here.  I'm pretty impressed that the first line stayed almost intact.

To be or not be, that is the question:
"This is the mind to suffer or Nagler
The slings and arrows of cruel fate,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
Moreover, according to the last. Die, to sleep
No more - and what I said at the end
and thousands of natives suffering EA
successor of meat - the realization of T '
Devoutli want to be. Die, to sleep
Sleeping, perhaps dreaming. Oh, no friction,
The death of the dream beyond dreams
When we have shuffled of This Mortal Coil
Should make us think. Respect
A good life for so long.
Knut time and progress will be contempt
Th oppressor 'is not no man's land so proud Meli
He despised the torments of love in the arrest of the Torah
Insolence of office and Spurs
worthy of merit and patient "
Kvyetus should have been
With bare Bodkin? Who would fardels
Basic and sweat on the weary life,
After the death of trouble, but something
Unknown City geboren country
No traveler returns, puzzles
And we have done very bad
Like others who do not know what to buy?
Therefore, at some point all of us cowards,
And Hugh resolutionpale cast Sikklyed thinking 'is
Big Pete and time, and business
Note current turn evil
And lose the name of the actor .- softer now!
Fair Ophelia! Ariston nymph
The sins of my head.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

contest by fellow internet dweller

Tahereh, a young adult novelist with a super-kewl blog, is having a contest for free dollars to buy books. Who doesn't need new books? Visit her blog to enter. And read some of her stuff, too.

We have a connection- she writes young adult fiction, and I read it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

various and sundry delights

Listening to: Kate Rusby, Ten

My last post was just so depressingly optimistic.  So this one is just going to be a collection of happy thoughts.

I love music. I love singing.

I made a very delicious dinner today- gouda grilled cheese and sauteed zucchini.

The weather has been simply marvelous.

in the Barn

I got to go out to Winedale on Saturday for the AFTLS performance of Midsummer.  It was the perfectest day (aside from the angry flying insect that had it out for me- 3 days later and I'm sitting here trying NOT to think about how much it itches).

Now listening to: Neko Case, Middle Cyclone
Yeah... my internet connection is slow and I'm uploading pictures.

guest photographer: Isto
I love people. I love living in Austin.

Sunday I had lunch with Joey.  I like him.  It's cool to be friends with your family.

Monday I had dinner with Candace.  I love spending time with her.  I'm going to be a bridesmaid at her wedding in December.

Today I went for a walk around Town Lake with Emilio. We had fun and saw lots of cool stuff.

Then I enjoyed a Pecan Porter and conversation at Dog & Duck with Ania, Sonia and Graham. 

I'm wearing my new cozy sweatshirt with the STS 133 patch.

And now I'm on my way to bed.