Anyway, the reason I have so much free time is that I am between jobs. I worked for Shakespeare at Winedale (best thing ever) from the end of January to August, and now I am looking for a job to keep me fed and housed and out of bed until I go off to see the world in February. Oh yeah, and I graduated from college in May. I guess that's another thing.
This is sort of a cheesy picture, I guess. My hair's a wreck, I'm holding a fake diploma and I'm fake super-imposed in front of the tower. But my mom paid a lot of money for this image, so I figure it should go somewhere. (oh yeah, credits to Flash Photography for being The Nation's Premier Event Photographer and taking this photo). Now I am a very well-educated bum. A bum who should be studying for the GRE...
I have heard it's easy to do well on this test, but I want to do REALLY well. That way I can attend the Information School at the University of Washington in Seattle. My ultimate plan is to become a librarian and FORCE CHILDREN TO READ BOOKS. Yep.
Since I started reading Middlemarch and got stuck in, well, the middle, I decided to take a break and revisit three of my most favorite books. The Sally Lockhart Series by Philip Pullman is one of the best things ever (note: I enjoyed The Tin Princess, but not on the same level). I first discovered it sometime in elementary school, but my copies are now falling apart due to re-reading and re-reading (The Shadow in the North doesn't have a cover and The Tiger in the Well is split in half). Hopefully in graduate school I will learn how to effectively repair books like these. I always dreamed of playing Sally in a movie adaptation, but I have since realized that what I really want is to be her. Mostly this is because I saw the BBC version of The Ruby in the Smoke and found that none of the portrayals on screen lived up to the characters in the book (and much as I love Billie Piper on Dr. Who, I just couldn't stand her Sally- this may spring from jealousy).
Several of my friends have also been re-visiting books from their childhood, particularly Tamora Pierce books. I enjoyed some Wild Magic Series back in the day, but I think my next series will be His Dark Materials (also by Philip Pullman because he is brilliant), partially because I love it and partially because one of my best friends has been holding a Paradise Lost reading group and I'd like to read it with that fresh on my mind. Last night we read Book 2 and the phrase "his dark materials" fell on my turn, which was exciting for me.
I also occupy my time with Netflix (brilliant invention), drinking coffee, and occasionally taking photographs. Monday I took save-the-date pictures for two dear friends getting hitched in December.
Aren't they adorable?! |
So that was a ton of fun. Sometimes I take pictures of other things. Here are some wildlife hanging outside my window:
Snail! I might call him Gary. |
LATFS. Notice its back foot poking out from behind the tree. |
Well, that's probably quite long enough for now. Happy Wednesday!
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